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- /* ARexx script to get UDP_Chat to log into a UDP_Chat Server */
- /* For use with AmiComSys 1.12+ */
- /* $VER: UDP_Chat.rexx 1.0 (27.07.98) Anton Reinauer */
- UDP_CHAT ="UDP_Stuff:UDP_Chat"
- UDP_CHAT_FIND ='WaitForPort UDP_Chat'
- /* You have to change UDP_Chat to wherever UDP_Chat is on your hard drive
- as AmiComSys runs the Arexx script from it's directory :-/
- */
- if ~show('P','UDP_Chat') then /* check for the UDP_Chat arexx port */
- do
- end
- /* If UDP_Chat isn't already running, then run it.*/
- ADDRESS AMICOMSYS; /* Get info from AmiComSys */
- GET stem info. CLIENTLIST; /* get client info from AmicomSys*/
- /* "stem info." inserts the results to the structure 'info.'. */
- /* "var s" would have inserted all the results to one string in s. */
- /* "CLIENTLIST": We want to read the client list information. */
- s=info.selected; /* get info from selected client*/
- ADDRESS COMMAND UDP_CHAT_FIND /* wait for the UDP_Chat Arexx port to appear*/
- IF RC = 0 THEN
- do
- CONNECTTOSERVER info.hostnames.s /* Send host name of person selected
- in list, to connect to. */
- end
- /* Send the host address got from AmiComSys and send it to UDP_Chat */